Make your writing activities epic! (3 no-prep ideas + bonus)
I love creative writing - it's a brilliant way not only to unlock your students' creativity, but also assess their real language.
I want to share my favourite no-prep ideas you can use with your classroom... and I also have something extra: a Spotify playlist full of epic music!
3 Simple Activities with Post-It Notes
I think post-it notes make a really nice teaching tool. They’re small, easy to carry around, and you can use them with students on various levels. Here are my favourite simple, creative and of course no-prep ideas.
Spring poems - lesson plan
I don't usually share lesson plans, but I want to show how combining two various sources may help create something unusual and bring some wow effect to the classroom. Here I mixed environment and writing poems and it worked just great!
Make your own e-book with Storybird
Today I want to share a tiny little project I'm planning to use once my students feel bored and will need a spark of creativity - Storybird.
"First writing" tips
Writing can be one of the most tiresome endeavours of a student - can you recall your own papers, compositions, etc?
I see no reason not to teach some writing techniques to my own students. I've realised that the sooner they get the basics, the better their writing compositions are.
Mystery story writing (homework for intermediate+)
Dear students of groups H1 and H2S, you are to write a mystery story for your homework. I have decided to make you work on one of the most mysterious events of the 20th century - the Dyatlov Pass Incident. Since it is to be a mystery story, please, put aside your common sense and let's dive into the ocean of conspiracy theories.