Halloween Roll-a-Tale: Storytelling Fun for Your EFL Class!
You know I love storytelling and I think it’s an incredible tool for language learning: it encourages creativity, reinforces vocabulary and grammar, and boosts speaking confidence. Plus, it’s fun, especially when you add a Halloween twist!
The Magic Box of Words: Fun and Simple Classroom Activities
Years ago I created something I’ve ever since called the Magic Box of Words. It’s a simple tool, but it’s very easy to adapt to various groups and students.
My 7 Lifesaving Websites for Teaching EFL
Today I want to share my favourite websites that have become essential tools in my EFL teaching arsenal - they cover various needs and purposes and make my work definitely easier!
Flashcards in the Classroom: My Top 11 Activities
I love using flashcards in my classroom to engage my students and support active learning, to make them move, to introduce new vocabulary and revise the one already covered... That's why I decided to share my top 11 activities with flashcards.
Chairs in the Classroom: Yoga, Games and More!
I like using everyday classroom objects we can have in our classroom in creative and engaging ways to make learning fun. So far I've written about soft balls, food, toilet paper and scarves - but what about chairs? Can we use them to boost creativity, communication... and fun?
The Ultimate Set of Inspirations (free material)
Imagine 34 teachers of English sharing their ideas and inspirations, just so that you could try out their signature activities.
Imagine one creative Ania, who "made one set to rule them all, one set to find them, one set to bring them all, and in the union bind them"
Yet, unlike Sauron's gifts, this set is absolutely free!
Reddit: real-life tool ready to use in a classroom
One of the most interesting places on the Internet is definitely Reddit - to be honest it isn't the most polished place ever, but it's one of the best sources of authentic language and current affairs.
That's why I want to show you some ideas on how to use it in the classroom!
Google Scholar in the Classroom: More than Academic English
We can believe our students are digital natives and know everything about the internet, but it isn't so - studies show young people are basically pushed into the ocean of the internet without learning the basic swimming moves.
That's why I want to share with you a tool that made the life of my teenage students much easier.
Breathe In, Breathe Out: 5 Breathing Activities for Teachers and Students
As you know, I’m a fan of mindfulness, but I know some of the exercises take time. That’s why I thought about various breathing activities – they’re short, easy to implement in a daily schedule (or in a classroom), and they really work!
Brainstorms in the classroom
Watch out! Today the weather forecast specialist (me) wants to warn you about the storms - brainstorms to be precise. You've certainly heard about them, you've probably used them already, but have you really used their potential to the fullest? If not - I have some ideas on how to make sure that brainstorming activity will be something more than enjoyable chaos.