7 reasons for going to teachers' conventions
I spent the last weekend in Warsaw where edunation ladies had organised an event for Directors of Studies and proper teachers. It was the first event of its kind and it reminded me a lot of fantasy fans' conventions I used to coordinate *sniff*. Good times...
Pure nonsense in the classroom
My ultimate goal in teaching is, as I've probably mentioned it already, having fun - you can't seriously expect me to be prim and proper at all times, now, can you? It's rather difficult to keep a straight face when your students make you cry from laughter, and that's something that happens to me only too often (bless my students!). With April Fools' Day writing about humour is inevitable - especially that I don't really like pranks and yet bringing humour to the classroom is surely one of my favourite aspects of teaching.
Can we keep our students focused in the classroom?
It's quite easy for me to understand my students being somewhat slow and sloppy, so here are some tricks I use to keep them focused in the classroom because hey, spring or no spring, the Passive must be reviewed.
We're all Doctors Strange here :)
Sometimes you get inspired by the weirdest things and in my case I blame it on the newest film by Marvel Studios - Doctor Strange. The film inspiration is nothing new in my life (remember Kung Fu Panda?), however after watching the film I came across a short article by a paramedic and all I could do was nod - and since it's my blog, I feel like sharing my reflections with you - or rather noting them down so that I won't forget them in the future.
Cultural awareness in the classroom
If I got a penny each time I hear I'll understand English culture when I go there for holidays I'd be the richest teacher ever. If I got a penny each time I bite my tongue and do not engage in a lengthy discussion every time I hear this phrase, I'd be surprisingly wealthy as well.
Because it doesn't work this way, now, does it?
A little bit of linguistics can be a lot of fun
Ever thought of introducing linguistics to your students? I used to be extremely bored with it when I was doing my BA, but because of reasons linguistics turned out to be my major during MA studies. I'm really glad I took up this option, because I've learnt linguistics is only boring when you are studying the basics, but later on it magically transforms into a beautiful butterfly of logic, pragmatism and, generally, turns out to be the only aspect of studying a language that makes some sense.
Teacher inspiration: Kung Fu Panda
This time, when I watched one of my favourite films, King Fu Panda, I focused on one of the supporting characters, Master Shifu, Po's unwilling teacher. He's a real, proper teacher, having his good and bad moments, moments of hype and days (years) of feeling hopeless.
So - you'd like to teach online?
I love teaching online - I'm lucky to work with a good online school as well (good online school is a school that provides you with training, shares teaching materials with you and has supervisors ready to help), and I've been asked by some teachers how I actually got into online teaching and if it's like teaching via Skype. And since I guess it's slightly more complicated than "tutoring via Skype", I've decided to reflect on my journey so far - I know I have much more to learn, but things I've covered so far make me quite prepared to online teaching.
New (school)year resolutions :)
With holidays over (holidays?! I had 2 weeks off, they do summer schools on holidays, after all!) I've decided that's the time for some changes. I've noticed there aren't many things that actually challenge me as a teacher and even if I'm not bored with my job, I feel an urge to try something new.
To be or not to be (yourself)
In his book, Jim Scrivener advises teachers to "be themselves".…