Public speaking for teachers? Why not? (book review)
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The main reason I bought Public Speaking for Success was the fact that I'm doing more and more workshops, and I realise I have quite a vast area to improve. Talk Like TED was really inspiring, so I decided to try the book by Dale Carnegie (famous for How to Win Friends and Influence People). To my surprise, even though the book is targeted at salespeople and presenters, teachers still may find it useful.
7 Free Online Courses in April
April is still a pretty moody month, and the best thing one may wish for is weather that is quite stable. Unfortunately, we're bound to experience the mixture of sunny and gloomy days, but it's all good since we know what April showers bring.
Free online courses!
Creative Confidence - not only in your classroom
When I discovered brothers Kelley with their "Creative Confidence" and I thought I absolutely owe you a review of this book. However, I am only able to share some impressions, as it is quite impossible to write a review of something that made me feel like I can change the world if I only try.
7 Free Online Courses in March
March is probably the most moody month in the whole year - rainy nights, windy days, sudden outbursts of sun and there is not a single day off... unless you have the luck of the Irish and celebrate Saint Paddy's Day.
Naturally, if you - like me - enjoy learning new things, you will hopefully take a look at the courses below and find them really useful.
7 Free Courses Online in February
February is a month simply asking for a winter break. Most people go skiing or flee to some warmer spots on the map, others prefer staying in and relaxing. Whichever is your choice, I'm sure you might think of a nice and enjoyable course to enjoy during this winter month.
7 Free Online Courses in January
Have you already decided on your New Year resolutions? In case you plan to focus on your self-development, I have an interesting choice of online courses you may start this month. Some of them are more demanding and others are more fun, but I'm sure you'll find something suitable. It may look like all of my ideas are connected with changing career, but it's a New Year - if not now, when?
English Idioms? A piece of cake! (book review)
It's quite difficult to make a nice lesson on idioms because you have to find some nice examples, create some fun exercises and set everything in context. But lo and behold! For there is a book with 60 units full of idioms that are ready to go. If you want to make a nice gift for a student (or a teacher) of EFL - here it is.
7 Ideas for Engaging Homework Online
I believe we should share our enthusiasm, our true passion for not only teaching but using English and adapt homework to our students' needs, styles of learning and interests. Homework assignments may be yet another way to personalise our approach and show our students the benefits of taking responsibility for their own educational process.
How to Organise Phrasal Verbs? (book review)
Phrasal Verb Organiser is a great book written by John Flower who had apparently seen too many students suffering because of this ridiculous phrasal-verbish-conundrum... or maybe he had seen too many teachers struggling? Whatever inspired him to write the book brought us one of the most useful books ever.
7 Free Online Courses in October
Finally - summer is over, we can enjoy autumn with its colour, winds and long evenings!
As usual, I picked a set of nice courses for you to enjoy during October evenings.