Dixit - a nice game for the end of a course
I want to share a really nice board game called Dixit. I used to play it with friends, but I decided to try it with my intermediate+ students who apparently fell in love with the game. It's very easy to play and is perfect as an activity at the end of the course when the students know each other and are used to their specific ways of thinking.
Proper anatomy :)
That could be quite a nice homework for students - we all learn those boring parts of the body; but this might be a nice change
Stories and storytelling
I've written about one of my favourite games, Once Upon a Time... and today I present a lesson plan to cover introduction to storytelling.
Once Upon a Time...
One of the best activities in the classroom for students of all ages is definitely playing games. And one of the best and most creative games is Once Upon a Time by Atlas Games. If you check their website you will find some teaching tips, but I use it in a different way, simply because it is hard to tell a story for pre-intermediate level students - writing is easier, especially when they have dictionaries and work in pairs to make it even funnier.
Present Perfect Simple with zombies and krakens
Explaining Present Perfect can be tough... but it's my absolutely favourite thing to teach! I need a kraken, or a zombie - and boom! everything is clear!