The One Thing You Should Do in 2023
There are probably many things on your To Do In 2023 list already, however I don't think you have thought about the thing I write. In fact, this is something we usually don't focus on - I mean, if we have it, it's cool, and if we don't have it, we don't even think about it. And we really, really should, especially if we teach!
7 Free Online Courses in October
Somehow October makes us less likely to enjoy the evening strolls, but on the other hand the idea of cosy evenings at home is far more alluring. That's why I found some interesting - and short - courses you may enjoy this month. You will find something about inclusivity, creativity, and using interesting tools (like video games!) in your classroom.
Resilience: 3 Tips for Teachers
Let's make this school year a Year of Resilience! But while we try to support and encourage resilience in our students, we should also remember about ourselves - you know the plane procedure with oxygen masks, right?
I've got three tips for achieving resilience that work pretty well for me, that's why I thought I could share them.
7 Free Online Courses in September
Are you ready for the new school year? Well, I don't think so, that's why I found some courses that will help you unwind. Wine tasting, beer making, the art of sleeping, mindfulness, yoga, dancing, resilience - did you know you could learn more about these fascinating things at home and for free?
Well, now you do.
Teaching Journey with the Atlas (book review)
Are you ready to embark on a meaningful journey through your heart - on a lonely quest - to find and name 87 emotions that rule your life?
Will the journey make you a better teacher?
Will you achieve the holy grail of understanding and accepting even the most difficult emotions?
"Atlas of the Heart" - this summer, on your reading shelf.
7 Free Online Courses in August
You may think August means you're in the middle of your summer break, but with every day the shadow of the upcoming school year grows more and more menacing. That's why I thought you could use a short course that will help you prepare for the challenges. So, this time I found a batch of free courses that will encourage you to take care of your mental health and review some important teaching skills - so that all those back to school vibes won't make you (overly) sad.
7 Free Online Courses in July
There are so many things you can do in July - swim, hike, eat fresh fruit, enjoy summer break (if you have one)… But if you feel like developing your skills and abilities, I want to share some cool online courses that are really enjoyable and you can learn something new between all those exciting summer activities.
7 Free Online Courses in June
I believe you are already thinking about your summer break, aren't you? And yet here I am with a batch of online courses! Before you shrug off any idea of self-development, take a look at the classes you may take up this summer - and that's the point, actually: I have picked 7 courses that are not only free but also self-paced, which means you can learn something new whenever you feel like it.
7 Free Online Courses in April
This March was a really draining month, so the courses I've found focus on what I, and a lot of the people I know, need most: mental help. We're facing a humanitarian crisis, and all of us, especially those educators who work with kids and teens might need all the help possible. So here are some short courses that might actually help you - and your students.
Let's Talk About Lesson Goals
We all know how important lesson goals are, but can we talk about them with our students? And if yes - how can we do it, if we usually run out of time anyway and one more lesson stage seems just too much?