Self-reflect December Challenge
It’s almost December which means 2018 is almost over! How?! I mean, last time I blinked it was summer! And with the End Of Year Month I have an idea for a little challenge I want to share with you and make it a nice game where we can reflect on 2018 a bit.
I’ve never been good when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, but I think reflection is quite important when one wants to develop one’s skills and broaden one’s mind. Was it a good year? I guess it wasn’t a bad one, neither for me nor for you and if you look at the set of questions you will see how much you’ve learnt, how much you know and how inspiring this year has been.
You may download the picture with the challenges and do your own little self-reflect sessions. You may share it on Facebook (I’ll be definitely doing this challenge on my page!) or your own blog. The greatest benefit of such challenge is to sum up your whole year as a teacher, remember the best moments and believe 2019 will be even better.
- Day 1: your favourite activity from 2018
- Day 2: most memorable story from 2018
- Day 3: the best piece of advice you were given in 2018
- Day 4: the moment in 2018 you felt proud as a teacher
- Day 5: your favourite memory as a student
- Day 6: the funniest story from 2018
- Day 7: your favourite coursebook in 2018
- Day 8: a new idea you implemented in 2018
- Day 9: your favourite teaching aid in 2018
- Day 10: the best joke you’ve heard in 2018
- Day 11: the moment in 2018 when you felt proud of your student
- Day 12: your favourite teaching website in 2018
- Day 13: the person who inspired you in 2018
- Day 14: the moment in 2018 you realised WHY you’re doing your job
- Day 15: your greatest challenge in 2018
- Day 16: your strongest point as a teacher
- Day 17: most motivational idea/quotation/picture in 2018
- Day 18: 3 reasons why you became a teacher
- Day 19: your favourite teaching application in 2018
- Day 20: a piece of advice you would give to a rookie teacher
- Day 21: the best CPD book you read in 2018
- Day 22: your greatest frustration in 2018
- Day 23: one thing you want non-teachers to understand
- Day 24: your most memorable teaching experiment in 2018
- Day 25: your personal success in 2018
- Day 26: one thing you plan to change in 2019
- Day 27: your greatest discovery in 2018
- Day 28: which superpower would make you a Super-Teacher
- Day 29: one area to improve in your teaching in 2019
- Day 30: how do you plan to start your first lesson in 2019
- Day 31: the most important thing you want to remember tomorrow 🙂
Since I believe self-reflection is great not only for English-speaking teachers, Polish teachers will find the challenge available in our native language. Share it, spread it and let’s have fun together!
Miłej autorefleksji 😁